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玉祥寺 瑞泉寺 坐禅体験 マインドフルネス 先祖供養 永代供養 墓地案内 菊池家菩提寺 山頭火 仏事相談

Seigoizm Mandara寺temple
Zazen meetiing
in English
Zazen meeting will be held at Gyokusho-ji Temple on the night of the full moon! Please check the schedule and join us. Full Moon Zazen Meeting Zazen-kai It is beginner-friendly, not strenuous, easy to sit, and painless. The information is based on practice. There will be an interpreter in English. You can experience deep zazen through conversation. Fee 1000 yen, please email for reservation. TUESDAY, 20, 2025 19:00 - 20:00 Kougetsan Gyokushoji Temple, 378-1 Gyokushoji, Kikuchi,
Kumamoto, Japan, 861-1322